Day 6 – Lost in Space


With light, there is less resistance

Without light, there is more resistance

High resistance, semi-conductor material. When light hits the device it absorbs the light photons; this process provides energy to the electrons

Analog signals

Continuous signals

Digital signals

Discrete, and in one of two states – 0 or 1 (LOW or HIGH)

HERO Board

A0 – Analog Pin

Arduino Serial Monitor

Window where software can talk to microcontroller

Establish a serial communication connection between IDE and Board

Then, Tools, Serial Monitor (in IDE) to view the data from the board (Photoresistor output)

analogRead ();

Allows HERO board to read analog signals

Measure voltage from 0V to 1023 (5V)

We are “reading” information from photoresistors and “writing” to devices like LEDs

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